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We can’t fix Ohio if we don’t fix its leadership. We can’t keep moving forward with the same tired politicians, out-of-touch billionaires, and the same broken system. It’s time to drain the swamp and bring common sense back to the Governor’s office. I’m Heather Hill, and I will fight like "HILL" for you. But I need your help. I can’t do this alone. I need your prayers, your support, and your vote. Visit FightLikeHill.com to join this movement. Sign up, volunteer, donate, and help me take this fight to every corner of Ohio. Together, we can make Ohio a state we’re all proud to call home. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless Ohio!



Question #1:  Why are you running for Governor of Ohio?

I believe that it is time for change in Ohio! We need to get back to the days of Reagan, when we put family first and I believe I am the right person to do that. When family is at the center of everything we do – that provides stronger desires for growth and stability. I will fight for the safety of all Ohioans and our financial strengths by building stronger families, love of country, and economic freedom. We will get back to the days when a family could – invite friends over, have steaks on the grill, or enjoy taking our kids to Kings Island and Cedar Point; without the worry of not being able to pay our rent/mortgage. We have all the resources in our state to put Ohio at the top of America’s economic growth. I am the person to make that happen. I understand what it’s like to be part of the middle class. I also understand what it’s like to work 16-hour days, building your small business, all while trying to get your education and raise a family.


Question #2: How is campaigning going?

Well, campaigning is different. I am a business owner and entrepreneur. With business you go into everything headfirst. With campaigning it is a process, and you really must trust the process. However, campaigning has went really well for me. So many Ohioans are excited to endorse and financially back a history making campaign, like mine! Within a few days our campaign team was able to raise over one million dollars in campaign promises. Although this is nowhere near where we need to be to run a campaign of this size, it is a GREAT START. This shows that Ohioans are ready for change and feel that my ideas will benefit them and change their lives for the better! We have a great advisory team and campaign management team – made up of 21 people.


Question #3: As a republican woman of color and knowing that you will make history in Ohio and the nation, if elected. How have you been received by the RNC and other republicans?

I am the true OUTSIDER, and to be honest - that is scary. Just like with any organization you have a few that are afraid of change, but in my case that has been few. I have had calls, text, and emails from folks high up in both the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as many business owners and citizens. They are all very excited to see a woman of color step out and seek a political career of this magnitude. They have all been so encouraging offering advice, taking time to answer all my questions, and offering an open line of communication. However, some do have negative things to say about my run, our party and race relations. My party, the republican party was built on unity and the abolishment of slavery. The republican party should want to see all people thrive and do well, and believe in generational wealth and building up small and large businesses . Eventally the RNC & MEDIA will have to acknowledge my run for governor. One thing I know for sure, America is watching and paying attention. You are the 1st person of color to be elected in Morgan Co., 1st woman of color in Ohio to run for the governor’s seat -not to mention, to run as a republican –  If you are elected you will be the 1st governor of color, 1st woman governor elected in Ohio and 1st black woman governor in the Nation. How does that make you feel?

First, I am the best and most qualified to be Ohio’s next governor -those historical facts you listed, also make me proud! I am an example of the AMERICAN DREAM! I was a poor little black girl with dyslexia from Appalachia Ohio, who is now running for governor. This is what my grandparents, Peyton and Anna Mae Almond, and so many of my ancestor’s dreamed of. I am honored & I hope I make them proud!!


Question #4: I noticed that you refer to yourself as “a dyslexic thinker” will you elaborate on that?

I was fortunate to have been born with dyslexia. We have a unique approach to problem solving, assessing information, and learning. This term is often used by people with dyslexia, to describe superior skills that involves pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, lateral thinking, and interpersonal communication. This is why I have been successful as an entrepreneur and business owner, and this is why I will be a great governor for Ohio!


Question #5: What does this mean to your hometown of Morgan County Ohio, one of the poorest communities in the state?

Oh my, this question makes me tear up. My community has been WONDERFUL. I have received hundreds of calls and text from my hometown. Folks that I never thought would support me have reached out to encourage me. My hometown doesn’t care about my party, they just know I’m one of them and they are supporting me! We may be one of the poorest communities in the state but, I have received thousands of dollars in donation promises from Morgan, Muskingum, Athens, Perry, Licking and Washington counties. Some say, I only have $50 / $100 / $500 but I’m going to mail you a check! It has been a wonderful display of hometown pride from Appalachia Ohio. When I am in office these are the kind of people I want surrounding me and helping move Ohio forward!


Question #6: When you are governor do you plan on taking people from your community with you?

Absolutely! Some of the most intelligent, resourceful people I know are from our Ohio small towns. When I am in office Appalachia Ohio will be there with me, for sure.


Question #7: Do you agree with how Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Jon Husted handled the lockdown during the covid crisis and if so, what would you have done differently? I don't feel that I can fully answer this question, because I was not privy to all the confidential information and data that Governor DeWine was supplied with. One thing to keep in mind, we are only as good as the information that we receive. Dr. Anthony Fauci gave a lot of Americans incorrect and incomplete information. So, a lot of the information that U.S. governors used to make their determinations were not completely correct and accurate. With that being said, I would have opened Ohio as soon as possible and I would not have waited!! Opening sooner than later would have lessened a lot of the financial strain on Ohio businesses and families.


Question #8: Just like all Americans, Ohioans are facing a housing crisis. What are your plans to fix Ohio’s lack of appropriate housing?

I was a founding member of habitat for humanity (Morgan Co.) My husband and I launched our real-estate investment business in 2012. We focus on the housing crisis and providing quality homes in low-income areas of Ohio. I understand what Ohio landlords and investors are facing. I can tell you this, I will be the hardest governor that Ohio has ever had on squatters! I will do everything I possibly can to make landlords feel safe and heard in Ohio. I will offer special incentives to landlords / investors and small businesses. Once again small business is the solution to the housing crisis! I understand the importance of small businesses and believe that more tax incentives, grants, and programs should be offered to small business owners. I believe that supporting small businesses is the key to Ohio’s financial stability. When landlords have less legal fees, construction repair cost and tenant stressors; they will spend money on acquiring more properties.

During the time I was on the board for habitat for humanity, I was the family support president. I worked with families on budgeting and housing issues. I see first-hand how families struggle every day to pay rent and keep a roof over their family’s heads! I have unique ideas to lower the unemployment rate and build job security in Ohio. I will also increase funding for Ohio’s housing programs and increase the income guidelines! I will work tirelessly to ensure that every nook and cranny in Ohio has stable reliable high-speed internet. Allowing families to work from home if desired!


Question #9: Will you tell us a little about your views on the border issues that are affecting our country and Ohio?

For the past ten years I have volunteered in schools in third world countries, such as Honduras, Mexico, Hati, and the Domenic Republic. I see what they are facing, and it is horrible. However, I believe there is a right way and a wrong way to come into our country. Bad people – like smugglers, criminals, and cartels are preying on American citizens. Every state in America is now a “border town, with a border crisis”! Our citizens are now at risk to kidnapping, extortion, and other threats to their personal safety. This is another example of why, I 100% support our 2nd amendment rights to protect ourselves and our families. As governor I will support President Trump's deportation program.

Talk to us about the Springfield Ohio issues after Trumps statements on them eating the cats and dogs?

As FDF Ambassador I traveled all over the great state of Ohio. Many of the folks I worked with confirmed that pets were indeed coming up missing and being eaten by illegal immigrants, while others stated that this was completely false. I don’t know the truth and unfortunately, we may never know what is happening to the abundant number of missing pets in Springfield Ohio. Once again, as governor I will support President Donald Trump's deportation program. I will also support immigrants that wish to come into our state legally. Those that want to be productive citizens and help build Ohio’s economy, workforce, and industry. I also have a unique plan to deal with inflex of non-English speaking students that are flooding our Ohio schools. This is greatly costing our American / English speaking students and teachers. Valuable class time and resources are being devoured by non-English speaking students. This valuable class time is setting our American / English speaking students back and costing them educational time that our students can’t afford to miss.


Question #10: How do you feel about school choice and homeschooling?

I am overwhelmingly in support homeschooling, private schooling, and public schooling. Students in failing school districts are often stuck. I believe every parent should have a choice where their children go to school. I think faith-based schooling should also be able to get public funding. Honoring the separation of church and state, school funding should not pay for the religious curriculum or religious teachers. Such as chapel.


Question #11: Where do you stand on medical freedom?

Medical freedom is a fundamental right, and as Governor, I will always stand for the rights of Ohioans to make their own medical decisions—without government, business, or special interests forcing mandates on them. Let me be crystal clear: No Ohioan should ever be forced to take a vaccine or wear a mask. The COVID-19 mandates were a gross overreach, stripping individuals of their right to decide what’s best for their own health. I will fight to ensure that no employer, business, or government entity can ever coerce someone into medical decisions under the threat of job loss or exclusion from society. This is America—we don’t tolerate government overreach into our personal health choices. Now, when it comes to parents making medical decisions for their children, as a mother, I will always defend parental rights. Parents—not bureaucrats or politicians—should be the ones deciding what’s best for their kids. I believe in empowering families with the best medical information available, but at the end of the day, that decision belongs to the parents. That’s a freedom I will always protect. Ohioans deserve leadership that trusts them to make their own choices—not one that dictates how they live their lives. Medical freedom isn’t just about vaccines; it’s about ensuring that every individual and every family has the right to make informed decisions without pressure, coercion, or mandates from the government.


Question #12: Women’s health and reproductive rights?

The women/voters of Ohio have spoken loud and clear by their recent vote in favor of amending the state constitution to enshrine abortion rights. As governor I will honor their wishes!

Ohio’s women are tired of the attacks on our rights as women. I will fight for women’s rights to reproduce; I will also fight for our rights to privacy. Women need to feel safe in Ohio, knowing that our ability to have IVF, Fertility treatments and medication will ALWAYS be an option. When I am governor, we as women in Ohio will never have to deal with our government sticking their noses into our personal medical records – I totally believe in limited government and will eliminate governmental interference in these areas.

What are your views on Abortions?

As I stated earlier the voters have made their decision and I will honor that! However, I support life, and I believe that all life has value and abortion without illness and/or trauma is wrong! When I am governor, I will give women more incentives and supports to keep their babies. I will also strongly encourage ADOPTION for those that find that motherhood is not an option for them at this time. I am an adoptive and foster mother. I feel passionate about the value of life and the importance of adoption as a loving option for both birth mother and child. I believe adoption to be a great option for those who are facing unplanned pregnancies. I will also support and encourage interstate adoptions as a family’s first option over out of state and out of country adoptions!

I know that many people share in this belief and with the right support and resources, more women would consider adoption as an alternative to abortion. I want to advocate for increased awareness, resources, and incentives for both birth mothers and adoptive families. This would create a more supportive environment for everyone involved. It's also essential to foster open and compassionate dialogues around this topic, as each person's situation is unique. Encouraging, understanding, and respect for different perspectives can lead to more informed and empathetic discussions about life, choice, and the various paths available to those facing difficult decisions.

Women’s sports and participation of transgender athletes is a hot topic right now, what are your thoughts?

I believe that women and girls deserve to be the champions of their own sports! My daughter, Dahlia, is a college rugby player. She has played against biological males in the past and it is always a disaster and ends with female players being injured. I think this is ridiculous and should never be permitted in Ohio! I will fight hard to keep biological males out of female sports, locker rooms and restrooms!


Question #13: This past election was a “great red wave” for republicans. But many Ohioans have been skeptical of your somewhat unbelievable following and support for the Trump administration and all the 2024 republican candidates, please explain your following and support?

Let me start by saying I am so proud to be an American republican right now!! It is such an exciting time for us. We are now on the right path to heal and prosper as a country. President Trump has a great plan to FIX the U.S. and make it the country that we were on 9/12! Just as Dr. Phill said "One of the most important days in American history was 9/12, 2001, not 9/11... because on 9/12, we all woke up, and we were all Americans on 9/12... That's who we were. That's who we are."

Just as I explained to a good friend the other day – no one will ever agree with EVERYTHING that a candidate or political party does or says. But we must align and follow the party and candidates that most closely resembles our beliefs and political ideations – America has spoken. During Trumps 2016 run for president I didn’t vote for him. I wrote in Governor John Kasich. I worked closely with the Kasich family and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger during that campaign. My family and I helped the Kasich campaign and deeply believe in his vision for our country. This time I worked hard to get President Trump, and all the great republican leaders elected. I am very excited to work with President Trump and his administration.


Question #14: As a foster mother, what do you see as far as fixing our broken foster care system?

That is a great question, I will follow in the steps of progress that Governor Mike DeWine has made with our foster care programs. He has worked hard to provide opportunities for all Ohio children. I will build on that foundation. First, we must solve the issues that our state faces when initially taking a child into care. We must provide safe “gap care” (as I call it). This is care for children during the intake process before a foster family is found to take care of the child. I have some great ideas and plans that I feel will provide for the needs for these children while keeping them safe and calm. I will also make changes for more accountably with our foster children’s mental health and psych meds. It will take a lot of work, but I have some folks that I have worked with as a foster mom, that I will be asking to come on board and to help me solve these issues.


Question #15: We can’t close without talking about your 2 foster children that were shot and killed by law enforcement in Ohio?

Yes, I am proud to have known both Donavan Lewis and Ta’Kiya Young. I love them both very much, as I do ALL my foster kids, they were both beautiful young adults. Donavan was a handsome young man. He loved football and hanging out with friends. He had a deep, happy laugh that would echo throughout our home. I cherish our conversations about his dreams for his future and repairing broken relationships. Ta’Kiya had a smile and laugh that would light up any room. She was excited to be the best mother she could be. She had so many plans for her and her children. I will always cherish taking her senior pictures on our farm and seeing the joy in her eyes. Of course I know, they were facing hardships and mental health challenges, like many of Ohio’s young people. I remember their birth-families, foster-families and friends in my prayers every night. I thank God that He brought them into my life for the short time that I knew them.

As governor I will fight every day to bridge the gaps between our law enforcement and our people of color, young adults and those that face mental illness.





We can’t fix Ohio if we don’t fix its leadership. We can’t keep moving forward with the same tired politicians, out-of-touch billionaires, and the same broken system. It’s time to drain the swamp and bring common sense back to the Governor’s office. I’m Heather Hill, and I will fight like "HILL" for you. But I need your help. I can’t do this alone. I need your prayers, your support, and your vote. Visit FightLikeHill.com to join this movement. Sign up, volunteer, donate, and help me take this fight to every corner of Ohio. Together, we can make Ohio a state we’re all proud to call home. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless Ohio!





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45 West Main Street

McConnelsville Ohio 43756






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